Glavstroy follows the regulatory requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and adheres to international corporate governance standards, which contribute to the sustainable development of the business and ensure the interests of the shareholder.
The Glavstroy corporate governance system includes:
The supreme governing body of Glavstroy is a General Meeting of Shareholders. The annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held no earlier than two months prior and no later than six months after the end of the financial year. Other general meetings of shareholders are extraordinary.
The Management Board of Glavstroy provides general management of the company's activities, with the exception of resolving issues referred to the competence of the General Meeting of shareholders by the Federal Law «On Joint Stock Companies». The competence of the Management Board is defined by the Charter of Glavstroy.
The operational activities of Glavstroy are managed by the sole executive body — the General Manager. The General Manager is accountable to the Management Board of Glavstroy and the General Meeting of Shareholders.